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Our mission is to bridge resources that enrich and empower Maui County's Community.

Maui United Way has stayed vital to our community since 1945 for good reason: we know how to put the right people together with the right resources to make the right things happen. We are working to address Maui's most vital needs through the impact areas of Education, Income (sustainability), and Health. Our goal is to bring people, organizations, and our community together around a common cause, a common vision, and a common path.

Cómo funcionan las donaciones
Haga clic en cualquier botón de "Donar ahora" y, luego, decida su importe de donación. Será dirigido al procesador de pagos que elija. Una vez que su donación se haya procesado, se enviará a la entidad benéfica de su elección.

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