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West Women's and Children's Domestic Violence Shelter

de The Salvation Army: Western Territory

"West Women’s and Children’s Shelter operates a emergency domestic violence shelter for women and/or women and children who are escaping domestic violence. We are one of Oregon’s largest domestic violence programs providing emergency shelter for four families and nine women without children at any given time. We also operate a co-located 2 year transitional housing program which supports women transitioning out of crisis and into self-sufficiency. The transitional housing program serves seven families and fourteen women without children. Services provided to all the residents of The West included but are not limited to advocacy, case management, support groups focusing domestic violence, trauma, parenting, and health education, culturally specific resources for Native American survivors, food services, children’s program services and advocacy which includes childcare, onsite resources such as GED tutoring, career coaching, financial wellness, and self-care opportunities."

Mission of The Salvation Army West Women's and Children's Shelter.
Create a safe and nurturing environment for survivors to realize their potential for healing and growth as we work together to end domestic violence.

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